Profile PictureDerek Christopher

Postdoctoral Scholar at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR)

I am an applied microeconomist studying urban and public economics. My research focuses on immigration, housing, crime, and the impacts of public policy on socioeconomically disadvantaged populations in the United States.

Curriculum Vitae



Working Papers

"Seeking Sanctuary: Housing Undocumented Immigrants" (Revise and Resubmit at Journal of Policy Analysis and Management)

"Homeownership in the Undocumented Population and the Consequences of Credit Constraints" (Online Appendix)


Freedman, M., Owens, E., and Christopher, D. (Forthcoming) "The Geography of Crime and Policing." In A Modern Guide to the Economics of Crime, Eds. P. Buonanno, P. Vanin, and J. Vargas, Edward Elgar

Work in Progress

"Public and Private Health Insurance in Immigrant Populations" (Working Abstract)


Teaching Assistant, Departement of Economics, University of California Irvine

  • Health Economics (Spring 2022)
  • Public Economics I (Winter 2022, Winter 2021)
  • Applied Econometrics II (Fall 2021, Spring 2018)
  • Probability & Statistics II (Summer 2021, Winter 2020, Winter 2019)
  • Urban Economics II (Spring 2021)
  • Economics of Accounting Decisions (Fall 2019)
  • Basic Macroeconomics (Summer 2019, Winter 2018)
  • Basic Microeconomics (Spring 2019, Fall 2018, Summer 2018, Fall 2017)